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The Morning Oats - A Bitter Cruel Substitute

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Tuesday, December 14

Things that fester

This comes to us from "anonymous reader". Don't miss the photo inclusion at the end. Anyone want to take bets on how many cunts (festering or otherwise) Horse has actually managed to view in his lifetime thus far? I have the over/under at zero.


And the cycle of Horseonovichian birth, eat-shit-fuck, and death will continue on, world without end amen. Believe what you will. Now go in peace, you festering cunt.

Any of you festering cunts who said it was FAKED remember this shit? Well, cunts, me hearties: turns out to be the real thing after all. CNN confirmed last night. .... Yepper, our boys massacred these fuckers. Indeedy-do, double-YeeHee and fuck you, too.

Zook, I guess it's too late for that now, although it was a noble effort to add that line to your Stats. The good news is, just a few more weeks and this will all be over. I figure add in about a week after the leckshun for more args and commentary, then it will simmer down until January, when we will see a brief spike around the time that one or the other of these festering cuntidates takes the oath of office.



Long time no see, dude. How have you been? We've been just fine, thanks, and chugging along at our usual clip. Anyway, always nice to hear from an old friend, even if he is an arrogant, low-IQ, repressed homosexual under the guise of "homophobe", festering cunt and low-life scumbag just like you, buddy! Now kindly recuse yourself from any further precedings on this forum, you piece of garbage, and go fuck yourself while you're at it. Love and Hugs -- Horsey!

Fuck you, Raoul, you festering cunt... I am on YOUR team with this one. How fucking DARE you bring up, for purely gratuitous reasons, my trademark reference to "having a beer". How DARE you compare me to this festering cockfag. Have you no shame, at long last, Raoul? Have you no DECENCY?!

I want you all to know something. I fucking HATE boogra's festering cunt guts. I find him completely fucking erratic, and out of control. But I have to say, for one shining moment of grace here at Cruel, I am with him on this and shall call him brother, oh brother, until next I decide to call him a festering cunt once again.

Actually, I suspect Osama would prefer a Bush win, but says the opposite. He doesn't want to see things calm down, not a bit of that shit. No, he wants the world to be lit only by fire, and cleansed in blood. Add it all up, and you get this: Osama's a festering cunt.

As your obnoxious and overly-opinionated Host, I'd like to welcome you all, and may the best festering cunt of a candidate carry the day! We will be bringing in occasional Cruel pundits to chime in with their observations and anecdotes as this fateful day unfolds. Join me now, as we play......HORSEBALLS

We being attacked by festering cunt repub-hackers, and may I your trusty steed lend a mighty hoof in helping to kick their asses? This is NOT the day for this....

Lord! I apologize for not doing more to help make this country more "blue". I apologize on behalf of my fellow citizens that we're a bunch of festering cunts with an average IQ something lower than a Granny Smith apple. I apologize for our brazen cocksuckeredliness as we try to rule the rest of the world through fear and threats, alienating ourselves from traditional friends. I apologize that we are going to be responsible for the slaughter and mega-taxation (NOT necessarily in that order) of our children and grandchildren, who will inherit our massive debts AS WELL AS the hatred for Americans that we have spawned worldwide.

Think I'll just lay back a few days. Pull an "Achey" or an "Aude" and just watch in silent judgement of these festering cunts.

Try picking something else before I decide to start calling you Quequeeg, you festering barnacle from the asymetrical, unattractively protruding (and inflamed) labia minora of a festering cunt.

Wow, you guys are some kind of fucked up in the head, especially you, Raoul you festering cuntonovich, if you think I could give a fiddler's shit what anyone here thinks about me. Raoul you always seem to come out swinging on the issue of attention-whoredom. Let me tell you something, buddy boy, don't knock it till you try it.

Anyway, peace & love to all you fabulous picked and festering cunts. May Gawd's love rain on you all.

Anyway, I am proud of all of you, friends and foes alike. And as always, in the best tradition of the Holidays, I want to say that I dearly love all you festering cuntankerous cants.


Horse in Repose


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